Licence as a MLRO

You are newly appointed as an MLRO? You learn with the course Licence as a MLRO the following skills:

  • Complete overview of the latest developments concerning the German Act AML
  • Limitation of the personal liability risks for the MLRO
  • Which approaches exist to avoid financial losses and liability cases?
  • Due diligence obligations and actions strategies in practice


Licence for AML Officers


Your benefits: Licence as a MLRO

  • Optimal limitations of the risk of liability cases
  • Tasks, rights und obligations
  • Due diligence obligations and action strategies
  • Test security at the prepartion of the risk assessment


Your advantage: Licence as a MLRO

Each participant receives the  following  S+P products:


+ guideline for the direct implementation of the anti-money laundering and fraud system (No. of pages: approx. 80)

+ guideline for the preparation / update of a risk analysis (No. of pages: approx. 20, Word doc.)

+ certificate of participation  as verification of the advanced training and certification proof for submission to the BaFin for examination


Target group: Licence as a MLRO

  • Managing directors, board members, financial service providers, insurance companies, leasing- and factoring companies,
  • MLROs, deputy AML officers, designated representatives, professional and managerial staff in the field of compliance, central function MLRO,
  • internal audit and members of the legal department


Optimal limitations of the risk of liability cases for representatives / the central office

> Liability-related guarantor status  – BGH (Federal Court of Justice)  judgement of 17 Juli 2009 on the responsibility of representatives

> Limitation of the risk of liability cases for MLROs and representatives of the central office –Minimum requirements to the internal organisational measures

> How do risk controlling,  compliance, MLROs and internal audit work together ?

> 5 steps for the optimal risk limitation of representatives


Tasks, rights and obligation of the MLRO

> Which requirements have to be obeyed by the MLRO ?

> Competence centre MLRO: tasks, rights and obligations of the central office (AML officer and representative for economic crime)

> Case studies and practical cases: establishment of appropriate safety measures, development of action strategies, emergency and escalation procedures

> Risk management, control measures and audit procedures of the central office

> Suspicion reports and behavior in the case of suspicion

Tips for implementation
+ Implementation of the S+P Checklist on the duties of the German Act AML


Due diligence obligations and action strategies of the MLRO in practice

> Overview of the due diligence obligations – Interpretation and application notes of the German Banking Industry Committee for prevention money laundering, terrorist financing and „other offenses“

>Target-oriented implementation of the due diligence obligations by the MLRO

> Identification procedures

>Recognition and monitoring of politically exposed people and high-risk customers

> Target-oriented embargo and sanction monitoring – What do I have to take into account?

Tips for implementation
+S+P work instructions on the defence of money laundering and economic crime


In which areas did serious acts of economic crime take place in the past?

> Characteristics, motives and typical profiles of offenders

>Action strategies for unusual and conspicious business relationships  or  transactions

> Special measures against  fraudulent activities or any other criminal offenses

> Fight against fraud according to § 25h KWG: emergency response, preventive measures and immediate measures

> Application notes, case studies and practical experience

Tips for implementation
+ S+P guideline on the fight against fraud and the defence of any other criminal offences
+ S+P Checklist on the prevention of external and internal offenses.


Test security at the preparation / update of the risk analysis – organization of the system of registration of suspicion cases

> 5th EU Money Laundering Directive – Latest supervisory and audit relevant requirements

>Development, structure and content of a risk analysis with the focus on money laundering and economic crime

> Risk inventory and audit-proof classification of risks

> New instructions of interpretation and implementation on the system of registration of suspicion cases

>When and how to report suspicions?

> Report of suspicions – Interfaces to investigating authorities

Tips for implementation

+ S+P guideline on the actualisation and update of a risk assessment

+ S+P Checklist for a legally compliant suspicion


Compliance & Geldwäschebeauftragter – Licence as a MLRO

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäsche und Fraud – Basisseminar

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäsche und Fraud – Aufbauseminar

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäsche & Fraud – Update

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäsche & Fraud – Forum

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Gefährdungsanalyse – Prüfung 2017

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Aufbauseminar – Geldwäsche und Wirtschaftskriminalität

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäscheprävention für Güterhändler

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäscheprävention für Immobilienmakler

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäscheprävention für Leasing- & Factoring-Unternehmen

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäscheprävention für Versicherungsunternehmen

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäscheprävention für Spielbanken und Veranstalter/Vermittler von Glücksspielen im Internet

