Anti money laundering and fraud – advanced seminar

Anti money laundering and fraud – advanced seminar – S+P


Anti money laundering and fraud - advanced seminar


Detection and evaluation of money laundering arrangements and fraud in practice

> Our practical seminar will provide you with a complete overview of  the latest legal reforms.

> You will learn how to detect, assess and prevent money laundering and fraud in practice.

> Our experts have gathered typical patterns of money laundering and fraud. To prevent liability cases, you will receive our specific checklists   and guidelines with accurate test criteria.


Target group: Anti money laundering and fraud

Managing directors, board members from banks, financial service providers, insurance companies, leasing- and factoring companies, AML officers, deputy AML officers, designated representatives, professional and managerial staff in the field of compliance, central office, internal audit and members of the legal department


Your benefits: Anti money laundering and fraud

> Implementation of new minimum requirements into practice – quickly, effectively and economically

> You will learn how to properly  evaluate and examine money laundering arrangements in practice

> Know Your Customer in demanding customers relationships and networks

> How can I optimally protect my company ?


Your advantage: Anti money laundering and fraud

Each participant receives:

+ complete documentary for the direct implementation of the anti-money laundering and fraud system (No. of pages: approx.. 80)

+ practical guidelines and checklists in order to examine complex money laundering systems

+ 150-point check against money laundering and terrorist financing

+ certificate of participation  as verification of the advanced training and certification proof for submission to the BaFin for examination


Implementation of the new minimum requirements in practice  –  quickly, effectively and economically – Anti money laundering and fraud

> 4th EU Money Laundering Directive – Stricter regulations and standardisation

> Interpretation and application notes of the German Banking Industry Committee for prevention money laundering, terrorist financing and „other offenses“ (AuADK)

> Audit-standard implementation of the § 25h KWG (German Banking Act) requirements

> Latest requirements for banks, financial and payment service providers as well as insurance companies

> Latest requirements for medium-sized enterprises, lawyers and real estate agents

 +S+P Checklists for the revision-save development of an anti-money laundering and fraud system


 150-point check against money laundering and terrorist financing – Anti money laundering and fraud

> Evaluation and examination of money laundering, terrorist financing and economic crime in practice

> Overview of possible structures and interconnections

> Risk-oriented evaluation of customer-, country- and product risks

> In which cases are simplified customer due diligence obligations  sufficient ?

> Which requirements of the banking supervision are mandatory?

+S+P case study on money laundering, terrorist financing and economic crime


Know Your Customer in demanding customer relationships and networks – Anti money laundering and fraud

> Target-oriented determination of the economic beneficiary

> Breakdown of difficult company organisation charts and complex financing at home and abroad

> Special configuration for private investors – Evaluation of the source of funds

> Analysis and evaluation of so-called „innovative products“

> Risk-oriented monitoring – Application of enhanced customer due diligence obligations

+S+P Checklists for the target-oriented determination of the economic beneficiary


How can I protect my company best? – Anti money laundering and fraud

> Which offences apper again and again? How are they committed?

> Audit-indicators for timely recognition or prevention of possible criminal offences

> Reliability of employees: from the recruitment to the assessment

> Which audit procedures should take place before commencing a business relation?

> Sanction and embargo measures – an overview

> What should export-oriented and globally active companies take into consideration ? What impact do violations have ?

+S+P practical guideline „Compliance-Check“ for the evaluation of new business  partners


Seminar international – In-house Trainings – In-house Coachings – Place of Event – Anti money laundering and fraud (S+P)

You will find our international In-house Trainings and In-house Coachings in Aberdeen, Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam, Athens, Delhi, Barcelona, Beijing, Birmingham, Bristol, Brussels, Chicago, Dallas, Dubai, Hong Kong, Las Vegas, London, Los Angeles, Miami, Mexico City, Moscow, New York City, Rio de Janeiro, San Francisco, Seoul, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Singapore, São Paulo and Washington.


Compliance & Geldwäschebeauftragter – Anti money laundering and fraud – advanced seminar

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäsche und Fraud – Basisseminar

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäsche und Fraud – Aufbauseminar

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäsche & Fraud – Update

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäsche & Fraud – Forum

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Gefährdungsanalyse – Prüfung 2017

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Aufbauseminar – Geldwäsche und Wirtschaftskriminalität

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäscheprävention für Güterhändler

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäscheprävention für Immobilienmakler

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäscheprävention für Leasing- & Factoring-Unternehmen

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäscheprävention für Versicherungsunternehmen

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter: Geldwäscheprävention für Spielbanken und Veranstalter/Vermittler von Glücksspielen im Internet

